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What is Ask Jiminny?

How you get the most out of Jiminny's AI assistant 🪄

Written By Harry Hawkins (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 15th, 2024

What is Ask Jiminny 

Ask Jiminny is a powerful, brand new, generative AI to enhance your call insights. 

Instantly analyzing your conversations, Ask Jiminny generates key information including: 

  • Concerns & blockers
  • A follow-up email draft
  • Call engagement rating
  • Risk assessment
  • Comprehensive meeting notes

This feature is currently available for calls made in English, expanding to other languages very soon.

To take advantage of this feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access Your Recording: Navigate to the recording you want to analyze within the Jiminny platform.
  3. Click the Ask Jiminny Magic Wand: Look for the pink wand button located next to the search transcript box on the playback page.
  5. Select Your Desired AI Prompt: Clicking the pink wand, you will have the option to choose from five preset AI prompts based on your needs:
    1. Concerns & Blockers: Identifies potential concerns or obstacles discussed during the meeting.
    2. Follow-up Email: Generates a draft of a follow-up email based on the meeting's discussions.
    3. Engagement Rating: Provides an engagement score indicating the level of participant involvement.
    4. Risk: Assesses any risks mentioned or implied during the meeting.
    5. Meeting Notes: Offers comprehensive notes summarizing the key points and discussions.
  7. After selecting the desired prompt, Ask Jiminny will present you with your answers.
  8. Copy and Utilise Ask Jiminny's wisdom: With a simple click on the "copy" option, you can easily copy the insights and answers for further use, such as incorporating it into reports, emails, or action plans.



  • Current Availability: The "Ask Jiminny" feature is now available in English for all calls starting from January 24' onwards. This enables immediate access to our innovative conversation intelligence directly within your calls

    Coming Soon…
  • Multilingual Support: We're working on bringing Ask Jiminny to you in multiple languages. Stay tuned for this update, which is planned for release within this quarter. This expansion will make our conversation intelligence more accessible to diverse teams around the globe.
  • Ask Jiminny on the Deal (Beta): in Q3, we're excited to introduce  "Ask Jiminny" for insights and analysis across your open, closed-won and lost deals. Helping you quickly to understand why you win and why you loose, and how to best manage your pipeline for Success.
  • Integration Expansion: By the end of summer, "Ask Jiminny" will be integrating with CRM systems, email, and other platforms. This development is designed to streamline your workflows, making it easier to share insights and drive collaboration across your business functions
  • Enhanced Customization: Looking ahead to Q4, we're excited to introduce custom prompts for "Ask Jiminny." This update will allow you to tailor the feature to better suit your specific needs and queries, providing more personalized insights

Stay tuned for these updates and more as we continue to enhance the "Ask Jiminny" feature. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to capture, share, and act on the voice of your customers more effectively.